Artaban and the Quest for the King (2023)
"Artaban and the Quest for the King" is a 2x award-winning, full-cast, theatrical audio drama based on the 1895 story, "The Story of the Other Wise Man" by Henry van Dyke. With 17 international voice actors, cinematic music, and well-executed soundscapes and foley art, you will be transported in time, and walk alongside Artaban as he searches for the newborn King.
Jason Markiewitz as Col Blackwood
Brian Jeffords as Artaban
Justin Ali as the Rabbi
Bethany Baldwin as the Bethlehem Woman
Martin Beadle as Rhodaspes
Nate Begle as Abdus & Elijah
Caleb Bressler as the Young Man & Townsman
Jonathan Cooke as the Hebrew Exile
Trina Deuhart as Elizabeth Blackwood
Charlie Everly as Mary Blackwood
Richard Gibson as the Roman Captain & Macedonian Guard
Sharon Grunwald as Mrs. Blackwood
Alicia Hansen as the Jerusalem Slave Girl
Glenn Hascall as Abgarus & the Voice from Above
Jason Lasky as Tigranes
Rainey Mangan as Jack Blackwood
Rachel Pulliam as Emily Blackwood
Cover Artist - Jon Markiewitz
Music - Alexander Nakarada & Rafael Krux
Sound Design and SFX - Jason Markiewitz
Written and Directed - Jason Markiewitz
(C) 2023 by Jason Markiewitz
Running Time: 1hr 4min
You'll get an .mp3 of this 2x award-winning production!