Three Christmas Trees (2022)
"Three Christmas Trees" is a 2x award-nominated, full-cast, theatrical audio drama based on the 1896 story of the same name by Juliana Horatia Ewing. With 15 international voice actors, cinematic music, and well-executed soundscapes and foley art, you will be transported to a world where one child's life, as he grows to an adult, and into his final years, are framed by the beauty of Christmas Trees.
Jason Markiewitz as the Narrator
Martin Beadle as the Father
Trina Deuhart as Urchin
Charlie Everly as the Child
Richard Gibson the Child in his Adult Years
Brian Jeffords as the Professor
Rachel Pulliam as the Mother
Trisha Rose as the Wife
Jay Silver as the Old Man
Patrick Vierzba as the Old Man's Son
With the Carolers:
Sharon Grunwald
Lessa Nosko
Kyle Wright
Cover Art - Jon Markiewitz
Music - Hayden Folker
Sound Design and Foley Art - Jason Markiewitz
Written and Directed - Jason Markiewitz
(C) 2022 by Jason Markiewitz
Running Time: 28 minutes
You'll get the .mp3 of this great 2x award-nominated production!